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MATIC, What Is It, Why Do I Need It, And Where Can I Purchase It?

What is MATIC?

MATIC is the native cryptocurrency of the Polygon blockchain. It is used to pay the fees for transactions on the Polygon blockchain network.

Why Do I Need MATIC?

The Idoneus Platform and the upgraded IDON token utilize the Polygon network for their smart contracts, making MATIC essential for covering transaction fees associated with activities on the Idoneus Platform and IDON tokens.

Where / How Can I Obtain MATIC?

Transactions on the Polygon blockchain are cost-effective, requiring only a small amount of MATIC to cover fees—1 MATIC is ample for multiple transactions.

  • Automatic Allocation: If you directly purchased IDON on the Idoneus Platform, you’ll automatically receive a nominal amount of MATIC in your wallet.

  • Additional Purchase Options:

    • Crypto Exchanges: Platforms like Coinbase, Kraken, etc.
    • Decentralized Exchanges (DEX): Utilize Pancakeswap, Uniswap, etc.
    • Wallets: Purchase via Metamask, Trustwallet, Ledger Live, etc.
    • Payment Services: Explore Changelly, Paypal, Revolut, etc.

Numerous alternatives exist, including various banks providing cryptocurrency purchase options. While these suggestions cover many possibilities, it’s advisable to conduct additional research. If uncertain, feel free to reach out to support@idoneus.io for assistance.

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